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Seeking help, possibly ignition

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  • Seeking help, possibly ignition

    Hi possibly of interest in other sierra based bits
    Got a sierra based berli, developed a prob yesterday, after a period of inactivity took a short run 2 mls without probs, later en route for petrol the car expired, thought it was lack of petrol although about 1/8 tank indicated(never had an empty situation with a tank like this) so walked and got petrol and loaded, turned engine over to prime etc, eventually got some response but quickly died - crap in fuel(?) continued to try and get action, ran the car in 1st gear whilst turning the ignition key eventually started to run un aided, carried on with several small blips engine warm etc with about 7 mls covered died at top of a long incline, decided to 'freewheel' down the hill some 2.5mls - car ran freely, tried turning the engine over but wouldn't start, reached a chums place parked up kicked the dog etc and after 30 mins tried again, no ignition lights showing, car would fire up on the key, but key released it died. After about an hour tried again, same situation no ign lights dials not responding so needing to get car onto a drive ran on key 1st gear, after 15 secs releasde key, car ran, dials indicating etc got onto driveway, died, would/did not have any dash stuff working.
    I need to get the car back here as some 10 mls distant, so organising that today with an intention to start looking tommorrow.
    Checked fuses, all ok - is it an ign lock prob, a relay prob, don't think its the fused lead as the intermittent operation of the dash systems, obviously a need to check the carb.
    Looking for my sierra manual etc later as its stored somewhere having recently moved home.
    any suggestions welcomed!
    ps sorry about initial listing my keyboard decided to play up as well, what will be the 3rd thing??
    Last edited by Tony Stott; 17-03-13, 09:32 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Seeking help, possibly ignition

    If you are not getting a ign light with ignition switched on but the engine cranks over !, it could be the alternator or plug conection. Have you checked all your earths ? ie chassis, startor motor, altnernator to engine fixing, coil wires, ign bulb ok ?.


    • #3
      Re: Seeking help, possibly ignition

      The fact that your whole dashboard is playing up as well would possibly point to poor earth wiring somewhere. If it has been laid up for some time it might pay to go over the car removing and cleaning every earth connection in turn. Even if it doesn't fix the problem it should do no harm.


      • #4
        Re: Seeking help, possibly ignition

        when the engine is turned over by the starter it actually fires up and runs with the starter/solenoid engaged, ign light also illuminated all dying when the key released.
        lights also work so seems to indicate an intermittent earth prob somewhere on the engine side.
        Awaitnig a phone call re recovery! - so maybe later today or tomorrow can make a start!
        Last edited by Tony Stott; 17-03-13, 10:38 AM.


        • #5
          Re: Seeking help, possibly ignition

          I seem to remember having a similar problem on my XR4I many years ago and that turned out to be a fault in the ignition switch itself. Easy to rectify in my case as the switchgear was srewed to the back of the ign switch/column lock housing. Just a chance. Cheers Chris


          • #6
            Re: Seeking help, possibly ignition

            Hi Tony,
            Sorry to hear about problem , after your long trip home. If ignition light etc were on and then the engine only ran if you held the key over in starting position, this would point to the ballast resistor. However if no ign light with switch on, but starts and there is an ign light and dash lights etc when running then I agree with all that has been said. It is pointing towards a dodgy earth.


            • #7
              Re: Seeking help, possibly ignition

              No recovery today, can't find the rigid bar!
              Thanks for all the input, peripheral info, live by the coast in finistere, exposed to the western approaches and all the stuff that produces so could be a bit of salt corrosion.
              Also just converted the headlights to rh dip and whilst fitting and loom testing had some probs with the heads not working with the ignition on - a jiggle of the key or off -> on sorted it !
              so first area of investigation will be the ignition switch with the contact cleaner etc then on to the earth point, strip, clean reassemble with a film of waxoyl i think!
              Previously the beast drove perfectly from Nth Worcs to home via Portsmouth Cherbourg etc a distance of some 400+ miles - 2litre lump returned 40+++ mpg at m/way speeds


              • #8
                Re: Seeking help, possibly ignition

                If it runs with the engine in 'start' then there is current going through the balast resistor to the coil. However if you haven't got dashboard lights, ignition warning light etc. I would very much suspect that the ignition/starter switch is faulty in the normal 'run' position. How about hot wiring a feed directly from the battery + to the coil?


                • #9
                  Re: Seeking help, possibly ignition

                  Hi tony I did some work on your car as it had the same problem I cured for Danny. Check the following open the driver side bonnet, coming out of the bulkhead under the exhaust you like see a pile of wires, and some insulation tape, chech the connection there as that is what the problem was last time as the wires were badly corroded and infact the multi plug was rotten so cut out and crimped the wires
                  Hope this helps


                  • #10
                    Re: Seeking help, possibly ignition

                    Hi all,
                    Quick update, made the trip to collect today, started and ran on key, quick trip of about 4 mls a bit stuttery, think thats due to lack of air vent on fuel cap, tripped the cap, ran well.
                    Stopped the car, had a coffee returned to drive home wouldn't start no panel activity, tried the suggestion of Chris that worked got home with only one stop, the 'hot'wire had come adrift, reconnected and ok again.
                    At home have been playing with the ignition switch, and in some positions panel, lights etc all work but a slight movement causes 'drop out@ problem is in the switch, need to demount it and have a look see if I can get into it to see/try a renovation!
                    Having removed the stalks etc it would appear the wheel needs to come off to get the casting off, need to locate the Sierra manual now!
                    Thanks all for your very helpful suggestions - lifesavers!!
                    tony s


                    • #11
                      Re: Seeking help, possibly ignition

                      Ok stripped the switch corrosion present cleaned it up reassembled using a little silicone grease remounted it and it works, hopefully tomorrow give it all a reasonable run to try it when all warmed up etc but currently fires up immeadiately!
                      Think I might try to locate a new switch though just in case!
                      Thanks for the tip Ruby131


                      • #12
                        Re: Seeking help, possibly ignition

                        No problem Tony only too pleased to help Cheers Chris


                        • #13
                          Re: Seeking help, possibly ignition

                          Ok guys took a reasonable run today equipped with a purpose made 'hotwire' just in case, must have been the threat of that, no probs encountered, but the hotwire remains on board! Hopefully will not be needed but who knows with this type of kit - 93/94 product of YKC

                          NB the switch piece was attached by 2 x grub screws so a piece of ???? to remove - have seen some switches on Fleabay, for transit, but the pic looks very like the one i have, anyone any info re the transit switch - its on @~£14ish so not the end of the world, loom conn not important as I can transfer cabling etc

                          Reading the fleabay ad won't supply to france, anyone out there act as a staging post ie I'll get it delivered to your place and then if you'll post on with suitable recompense that would be superb!!
                          Last edited by Tony Stott; 21-03-13, 10:31 AM.


                          • #14
                            Re: Seeking help, possibly ignition

                            Rest easy boys the seller is going to send to france - keep you posted re the piece if it fits etc!!


                            • #15
                              Re: Seeking help, possibly ignition

                              Just for info Tony there were 2 different types of fixings for the switch assys, one as you say 2 small screws the other 2 clips fit into slots on the hosing assy. Cheers Chris

