While running my tank down to about 4 gallons to check the fuel gauge calibration I moved the car into the garage the other day and as I bumped up the step into the garage and hit the brakes the fuel was sloshing around in the tank. The engine nearly cut out and it seemed that the sound of the HP pump changed . As 4 gallons is only 2.5" fuel depth I am thinking that maybe the LP pump was possibly sucking air through for a few seconds, possibly starving the HP pump (bad news) and the drop in fuel line pressure caused the injectors to hiccup hence the engine. I thought that a swirl pot was supposed to avoid this situation until I looked carefully at my OE swirl pot fitted at POB. Photo attached shows the outlet to the HP pump (arrowed) is quite near the top of the swirl pot. I would have expected it to be at the bottom.
Does anyone else have the same OE swirl pot as mine?
As I don't wan't to run the HP pump dry at any cost I was thinking of replacing with the following which should just fit. Peter.
Does anyone else have the same OE swirl pot as mine?
As I don't wan't to run the HP pump dry at any cost I was thinking of replacing with the following which should just fit. Peter.