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Engine temperature.

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  • Engine temperature.

    On a warm day earlier this year, I think this years warm day fell on a Wednesday, I read the engine temperature of my Marina 1.8 based Marlin, after a brisk run, using an infra red temp gun, and it was regeristing around 95 C, on the engine block.
    I was wondering if this would be considered normal, personally I think it a bit high.
    The radiator is from a Viva and not yet modified with any extra cores, and the engine fan is a four blade metal fan.
    Has anyone got a suggestion for an alternaltive plastic engine fan which would fit onto the pulley without having to modify it?
    I've already fitted an electric fan to the front of the radiator which does lower the temp quite well, and plan to get a better radiator soon, I was really just wondering what temp I should be aiming for.

  • #2
    Re: Engine temperature.

    Considering water doesn't boil until over 100c in a pressureized system and the thermostat opens at around 84-88c I would think its OK. One thing to make sure is the surround of the radiator is blocked off so that the air has to go through the radiator. What was the dashboard gauge showing?
    Ben Caswell probably not the last word on anything here!!


    • #3
      Re: Engine temperature.

      If the electric fan works why not do what I did and remove the metal blade and put a thermo on the electric. Worked for me for 6 years until I sold the car this year.



      • #4
        Re: Engine temperature.

        Cheers Ben and Adrian,
        The dashboard gauge is just a needle from H to C hence the gun. The radiator does need blocking off completely, so that is a valid point. Job for the weekend! I was hoping someone could suggest a better engine fan to replace the pretty ineffective metal one just to move the air around better.


        • #5
          Re: Engine temperature.

          With a standard 15 psi radiator cap the boiling point of a radiator is about 125 Deg C.
          If you are seeing 95 Deg C then it's well within limits.

          Personally from an efficiency point of view, a re-cored Viva/Chevette radiator is the first step. An electric fan can potentially obstruct airflow through the radiator when it's not running, normal airflow when driving will spin the fan naturally. An electric fan only has a major benefit when the car is stationary. If you have a crank shaft mounted fan this will also help when stationary keeping air circulating through the engine bay.

          Many older automotive gauges have a very damped movement range, certainly not linear. They only provide a rough estimate of the actual temperature.


          • #6
            Re: Engine temperature.

            A 95 outer block temperature is absolutely fine. Remember the oil in there is likely to be above 100C. I suggest that before you even consider "improvement" you should properly benchmark the oil and water cooling performance to its limiting ambient capability to see where, if any, development should be directed. Too long to put into print here but if you call me on 01430 424876 I'll talk you through the basics.


            Pete Crowther


            • #7
              Re: Engine temperature.

              Thanks Pete, I'll call one evening, Cheers, Gareth.


              • #8
                Re: Engine temperature.

                you might get a rather cheap (mechanical-capiliaric or electric) temperature gauge at ebay which would could be installed additinally or as a replacement to the existing one...and i think it will show that your engine is running normal.


                • #9
                  Re: Engine temperature.


                  Another alternative is to use the Land Crab (Austin 1800) radiator, fits really well and give you access to the filler neck as it is lower that the Viva unit.

                  These are like Rocking Horse **** to find.

                  Believe it or not there are two on ebay right now;

                  one new item number 400367277637

                  one second hand item number 400346558574

                  I have this type of radiator fitted to my other Marlin and it works fine.

                  They also fill the radiator cowl much better that the viva unit.



                  • #10
                    Re: Engine temperature.

                    Thanks Adrian, I'll look into that.


                    • #11
                      Re: Engine temperature.

                      I would be wary of fitting an 'unknown quality' radiator that may be 20+ years old and leak the first time when installed and under pressure. I would rather have the existing radiator re-cored with an extra core, improving it's capacity. It will, if nothing else drop back in place.
                      Have a look at


                      • #12
                        Re: Engine temperature.

                        Hi Steve

                        Once again I cannot get to the link you have supplied as you have to allow me.



                        • #13
                          Re: Engine temperature.

                          Users need to register with Keepandshare and then become my friend by emailing me at [email protected] or through this forum with the username used to register with Keepandshare (Often different to MOC User Names). I can then give you access to the Marlin documents I have shared.
                          (I have shared other Non Marlin docs, to which access is restricted to their groups)

                          It's a quick and simple process. Keepandshare does not send out adverts or spam once registered.
                          Last edited by stevejgreen; 21-05-13, 07:33 AM.


                          • #14
                            Re: Engine temperature.

                            Hi Steve my user name is listerjp2

