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Use for the area in front of the Radiator!!!!

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  • Use for the area in front of the Radiator!!!!

    Last Saturday, having fitted a diff off of E-bay, we went out over Exmoor to Lynmouth to try my work out. All went well until coming home this side of Wheddon Cross a cock pheasant strolled into the road. I braked, big cloud of feathers, no body in road behind, so I thought all was well. Lots of feathers still blowing up and then a terrific knocking noise, sounded as though there was rubbish in the fan or worse. I stopped and found a pheasant in it's "death-throws" on the flat area in front of the radiator grill. The only damage was he had knocked one of the foglights backwards. Perhaps this part of the car should be called "Road kill slab".

  • #2
    Re: Use for the area in front of the Radiator!!!!

    Hi David
    Wacked many a pheasant on that stretch of road,particularly this time of year when the newbies are released!!
    Never in the Marlin though!
    Glad your steed did'nt suffer lasting damage
    Stapley Bryan


    • #3
      Re: Use for the area in front of the Radiator!!!!

      One of the reasons I have my Springer Spaniel harnessed in the car. She has only got to get wind of a pheasant and she's off!


      • #4
        Re: Use for the area in front of the Radiator!!!!

        Years ago I was on my early morning commute to our offices in Slough and I hit a pheasant on one of the country lanes I took. Feathers everywhere and a body in the road behind. Mindful of the "if you hit a pheasant you are not allowed to keep it but if you come across a dead one you can" scenario (I don't know if that is fact or urban myth) I decided that it would make a meal so I got out and threw it in the boot.

        When I got to the office car park I thought I would check on it and when I opened the boot, apart from a small quantity of blood and feathers, there sat this pheasant as bright as day giving me a cockeyed look. What to do, I was due in a meeting and I couldn't let it go in the middle of Slough so I thought that as it is obviously injured, if I leave it in peace in my boot it will probably pop it's clogs during the day. No, there it was still looking at me at 6-00pm when I came to drive home. The only difference now was that the boot was full of pheasant shit in addition to blood and feathers.

        I drove home and dispatched it and plucked and dressed it and eating it was slight consolation for having to totally clean out and scrub my car boot. There has to be a moral there somewhere?

