Can any member shed light on my new problem ?.
I have a mk3 Cortina Berlinetta with 9" rear drum brakes with new shoes fitted.
The problem I have is with the handbrake.
Having readjusted cable to now allow handbrake to hold car in a downwood accent on 3/5 clicks.
The handbrake will not hold car on a upward accent on same clicks (slows it on 5/strained 7 clicks), but cannot hold it even on slight acent.
Have completed 100+ miles since fitting new shoes, Have tried new springs and shoe stays and now as it didnot make any differance have refitted old springs etc without any joy.
Replacement shoes were supplied from Burton Mail order spares.
Have tried several drive fast reverse and hitting brakes to force automatic adjusters to advance and same forward, in case it might be them.
Result still as above stated.
Any comments please.
I have a mk3 Cortina Berlinetta with 9" rear drum brakes with new shoes fitted.
The problem I have is with the handbrake.
Having readjusted cable to now allow handbrake to hold car in a downwood accent on 3/5 clicks.
The handbrake will not hold car on a upward accent on same clicks (slows it on 5/strained 7 clicks), but cannot hold it even on slight acent.
Have completed 100+ miles since fitting new shoes, Have tried new springs and shoe stays and now as it didnot make any differance have refitted old springs etc without any joy.
Replacement shoes were supplied from Burton Mail order spares.
Have tried several drive fast reverse and hitting brakes to force automatic adjusters to advance and same forward, in case it might be them.
Result still as above stated.
Any comments please.
