Hi Folks,
Generic opening paragraph.
I've spent the last day or two having a look at my roadster and am gearing myself up to get started with a few of the initial jobs. In my build thread I've said there are a number of different jobs to tackle and am going to split my questions out into separate threads so that future people searching for similar answers to my questions wont have to trawl through pages of my guff and badly taken pictures. So apologies if i spawn a lot of threads in the next day or two but i have a number of things burbling in my head at the moment and want to ask a lot of questions.
mods - if you want to merge/move/delete threads no probs.
So lets be about it.
This thread is about radiators.
This is the one i have. From a viva? I dont bloomin know, I'm 36, started driving six years ago and spent most of that in a company car that got changed every six months, ie before I'd even worn out the brake pads. its knackered, even i can tell that. The engine is a 1.8 pinto. Basically, What Do?
A look around the forum and i spotted a post where someone has used a civic radiator.Does this still seem like sound advice? Here is a civic radiator in aluminum for £69
there is also a japanese breakers down the road from me so i could probably pick one up from them but to be fair in the past i have seen them outright rip people off.
I did read back in this thread http://www.marlinownersclub.com/foru...tor+manchester that i should proably just go and see this bloke in manchester. Its denton and only a few miles down the road from me.
Generic opening paragraph.
I've spent the last day or two having a look at my roadster and am gearing myself up to get started with a few of the initial jobs. In my build thread I've said there are a number of different jobs to tackle and am going to split my questions out into separate threads so that future people searching for similar answers to my questions wont have to trawl through pages of my guff and badly taken pictures. So apologies if i spawn a lot of threads in the next day or two but i have a number of things burbling in my head at the moment and want to ask a lot of questions.
mods - if you want to merge/move/delete threads no probs.
So lets be about it.
This thread is about radiators.
This is the one i have. From a viva? I dont bloomin know, I'm 36, started driving six years ago and spent most of that in a company car that got changed every six months, ie before I'd even worn out the brake pads. its knackered, even i can tell that. The engine is a 1.8 pinto. Basically, What Do?
A look around the forum and i spotted a post where someone has used a civic radiator.Does this still seem like sound advice? Here is a civic radiator in aluminum for £69
there is also a japanese breakers down the road from me so i could probably pick one up from them but to be fair in the past i have seen them outright rip people off.
I did read back in this thread http://www.marlinownersclub.com/foru...tor+manchester that i should proably just go and see this bloke in manchester. Its denton and only a few miles down the road from me.