One of the reasons to acquire my Roadster was to have a car I could repair/maintain/build; along with this is the joy of sourcing a part.
I have had to replace the water pump (another long time rattle to erase) which should have been an easy task. I found that I was looking for a GWP114 standard for an 1800tc. No!
Apparently, through much cross referencing, two pump designs were fitted not running consecutively by year of manufacture!
I therefore needed a GWP130. This was predominantly fitted to MGB GT ? So I may have that engine? I continue to learn .....
One of the reasons to acquire my Roadster was to have a car I could repair/maintain/build; along with this is the joy of sourcing a part.
I have had to replace the water pump (another long time rattle to erase) which should have been an easy task. I found that I was looking for a GWP114 standard for an 1800tc. No!
Apparently, through much cross referencing, two pump designs were fitted not running consecutively by year of manufacture!
I therefore needed a GWP130. This was predominantly fitted to MGB GT ? So I may have that engine? I continue to learn .....