I have spent some time today investigating the Kenlow fan on the Marlin,the temperature is running at around 100 dregs.So a bit too hot for my liking.
The fan cuts in as it should but seems to be sucking air out of the radiator rather than blowing it through this can't be right as it would cause the Air to stall if it cuts in whilst driving.
I have reversed the wiring to get it to blow through the rad but this is not the way the thing was designed to function and the air flow is very poor .It is fitted in front of the rad as it should be and is wired up correctly.
Im sure it has the wrong fan fitted its a sucker and not a Blower ,any one had the same problem as I assume it is the one supplied by Marlin when the kit was purchased.
The fan cuts in as it should but seems to be sucking air out of the radiator rather than blowing it through this can't be right as it would cause the Air to stall if it cuts in whilst driving.
I have reversed the wiring to get it to blow through the rad but this is not the way the thing was designed to function and the air flow is very poor .It is fitted in front of the rad as it should be and is wired up correctly.
Im sure it has the wrong fan fitted its a sucker and not a Blower ,any one had the same problem as I assume it is the one supplied by Marlin when the kit was purchased.