Well I've put it off for long enough so today I started the job of fitting a new Kenlow fan .
the one fitted is on the front of the rad as there is no room in the engine bay.however it sucks not blows.Air going the wrong way.
I reversed the wiring for the summer but the air flow is not really efficient in reverse .
so strip down day today.
While its in pieces I've repositioned the air flow meter as it was touching the rad and will find a way to reposition the air filter and intake away from the hot air .
Not much room to modify but will have a go.
the one fitted is on the front of the rad as there is no room in the engine bay.however it sucks not blows.Air going the wrong way.
I reversed the wiring for the summer but the air flow is not really efficient in reverse .
so strip down day today.
While its in pieces I've repositioned the air flow meter as it was touching the rad and will find a way to reposition the air filter and intake away from the hot air .
Not much room to modify but will have a go.