Hello All 
This is not a classified, this is a bad trick that happened to me this week end at my workshop.
The wooden floor of my Roadster, on passenger side only, litterally crumbled to dust and chips when I stood on it...
I never sat this place, nobody did it fortunately, this could have been a brutal and disgusting death on road for my passenger
The plywood of the floor is 30 years old, and it probabely experienced some periods of dampness. Perfectely dry, it has a perfect appearence but no strength at all
I'll recut both floors with high quality marine plywood, or a plain 4mm sheet of aluminium, I don't know which to choose.
Is there Marlin factory-ready spare parts of that kind ?

This is not a classified, this is a bad trick that happened to me this week end at my workshop.
The wooden floor of my Roadster, on passenger side only, litterally crumbled to dust and chips when I stood on it...
I never sat this place, nobody did it fortunately, this could have been a brutal and disgusting death on road for my passenger

The plywood of the floor is 30 years old, and it probabely experienced some periods of dampness. Perfectely dry, it has a perfect appearence but no strength at all

I'll recut both floors with high quality marine plywood, or a plain 4mm sheet of aluminium, I don't know which to choose.
Is there Marlin factory-ready spare parts of that kind ?