Well it was yesterday really 
So I decided to adjust the tappets as I can't remember the last time they were checked! A few of them were a bit tight so I slackened them off a bit. Was a real pain as I have lost the special C-shaped spanner for undoing the lock nuts, luckily though the really awkward one next to the carb didn't need to be adjusted so I got away with it.
Having done that I took a look at the rear gearbox mount because the engine is leaning back at about 2 degrees. I found that there was room for a little adjustment so I pushed it up about half an inch to leave minimal clearance between the selector mount and the top of the tunnel. Once that was done I took her out for a test run. Part way round I felt a some vibration through the steering column on a rough stretch of road which gave me cause for concern. When I got home I whipped the bonnet off to take a look. What I discovered was that a relatively small change at the back end had pushed the alternator adjustment bracket up close to the steering column UJ. In fact I could see some damage on the head of the securing nut!
The solution, well take of the adjuster and saw off the useless extra inch that was causing the problem. Not quite that simple tough because in order to get the bolt out that secures the adjuster to the block I had to remove the water pump pulley as well. Anyway while I had it apart I decided to replace the fan belt as it's about the last rubber part on the car that hasn't been replaced since I built her. Having done all of that I now have ample clearance
It was a long day, a lot of tinkering and fettling but not much driving...

So I decided to adjust the tappets as I can't remember the last time they were checked! A few of them were a bit tight so I slackened them off a bit. Was a real pain as I have lost the special C-shaped spanner for undoing the lock nuts, luckily though the really awkward one next to the carb didn't need to be adjusted so I got away with it.
Having done that I took a look at the rear gearbox mount because the engine is leaning back at about 2 degrees. I found that there was room for a little adjustment so I pushed it up about half an inch to leave minimal clearance between the selector mount and the top of the tunnel. Once that was done I took her out for a test run. Part way round I felt a some vibration through the steering column on a rough stretch of road which gave me cause for concern. When I got home I whipped the bonnet off to take a look. What I discovered was that a relatively small change at the back end had pushed the alternator adjustment bracket up close to the steering column UJ. In fact I could see some damage on the head of the securing nut!
The solution, well take of the adjuster and saw off the useless extra inch that was causing the problem. Not quite that simple tough because in order to get the bolt out that secures the adjuster to the block I had to remove the water pump pulley as well. Anyway while I had it apart I decided to replace the fan belt as it's about the last rubber part on the car that hasn't been replaced since I built her. Having done all of that I now have ample clearance

It was a long day, a lot of tinkering and fettling but not much driving...