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  • ????

    Just wonder if anyone else is not allowed into the members only area.I get a Mag,I have paid my dues and sent I think 6 messages now via (contact us) about this but not had one reply,also recently responded to the ad in the latest mag to send details of E-Mail address.I do understand it must be hard to keep up the good work but would appreciate a reply to a contact us message !!

  • #2
    Re: ????

    You're not the only one. I'm barred as well and I've been a member for 20+ yrs.


    • #3
      Re: ????

      Facial expressions perhaps when trying to access? ; - ((


      • #4
        Re: ????

        My guess is that this is the same issue as discussed here

        Apparently there are still issues.

        Try emailing Cameron directly his email is listed in Pitstop


        • #5
          Re: ????

          I am also not able to get in to member section what can we do?


          • #6
            Re: ????

            me neither ??


            • #7
              Re: ????

              Originally posted by cameronfurnival View Post
              I will be giving a statement to the members at the AGM tomorrow but essentially the issues arise from converting a paper based system to an electronic one. For those who think that's simple let me assure you it isn't. One of the reasons I am stepping down is that I simply don't have the time to devote to the task and feel it's unfair on members to get anything less than perfection. However, I will continue to work with the committee to complete the implementation of the new systems.
              A manual system is a very rich system but with so much data it is often impossible to make it machine friendly without intensive data cleansing. Our membership data is held in a spreadsheet but the data has been amassed over several years and is far from easy to migrate by a simple csv type export. There are in excess of 50,000 entities in the spreadsheet and just one non-data-correct entity will cause a machine based upload to fail. There have been lots of these and the two gentlemen above are part of that problem, I hope they will trust that it will be resolved soon, both require completely new database entries creating.

              Currently the new system is working beautifully for those who pay electronically but everyone else is still being managed manually by me: Poor old Tony also has the unenviable task of inputting subs info updates manually for now (however, once done it should become easy for subsequent years)- and there were over half the members' data-sets which required some alteration. With over 600 members that means at least 300 can't import as easily as we hoped - it takes around 10 minutes to create a correct entry from scratch. Now that's about 50 hours of work just to get it working. To rectify this I have tasked someone (at my own expense) to begin data entry and get the new system correctly populated. The web site company who host our sites have been really accommodating and have worked -as a favour to me most of the time - at no charge, But there's only so much we can expect them to do for their maintenance fee.

              I am hoping someone with a good degree of enthusiasm will take over from me and the club site will continue to thrive. I still believe we have one of the best, and most knowledgeable forums on the interweb; we have a flexible website which looks good on all devices and browsers, a fantastic forum, modern and usable membership technologies coming on stream, and a "club goods" online shop coming soon. I firmly believe that this club can be one of the leading lights as our cars become recognised as classic cars.
              We have a vibrant club moving on with new memberships every year and the tools to share with the world what we can do.
              Originally posted by cameronfurnival View Post
              Menawhile.... if any members find their privileges are not right please email me directly adn I will do my best to get it sorted asap.
              Try emailing Cameron directly his email is listed in Pitstop


              • #8
                Re: ????

                Although I am still not exactly familiar with what I am meant to do as Membership Secretary with regard to the Forum Website, I am in control of the manual database and currently this is still the only area that is up to date, so I have contrived to make paid up members (old-n-notpastityet, h_m_cumming, blue lizard & geoff) - active again on the Forum website.

                I would appreciate confirmation that you are now sorted ideally through the 'contact us' area to Membership Secretary as this was another issue which appears to have now been sorted out - see below.

                old-n-notpastityet - I am interested to know who you have tried to contact 6 times - any attempt to contact me (Membership Secretary) appear to have been going to a ghost address and getting lost - tested it today and now going to my (junk) mail where I am now picking it up!

                I am sure there will be many more members who are currently unable to access the Members only section of the Forum, but I will only address them on request as someone else is meant to be sorting the situation.

                I confirm that I have received old-n-notpastityet's e-mail address response, but did not reply as all was o.k. and up to date.

                Sorry for any inconvenience, but the transfer of data appears to be more complex than anticipated and the Forums automated systems have expired many members who have paid by methods other than PayPal.

                Tony Green (Membership Secretary)


                • #9
                  Re: ????

                  I appreciate that this glitch, first reported to Cameron, by me on 4 April, may be more complex.

                  Apparently the committee has put aside 'some money to put this right' though there is nothing published in the committee meeting minutes, and Cameron has 'tasked someone to begin data entry and get the new system correctly populated', as of 30 April.

                  Has this actually happened, because it seems that established members are being disadvantaged, and only those who have reported an issue, have had their records updated? What about the others who are yet to notice?

                  I have a choice, do I keep my direct debit that has been in place since '97, or cancel and start to use PayPal? Something I proposed more years ago than I care to remember.

                  This is not a criticism of Cameron who like me thinks 'it's unfair on members to get anything less than perfection.' but a question.

                  How is this being resolved?


                  • #10
                    Re: ????

                    Hi Geoff

                    I have sent you a PM


                    • #11
                      Re: ????

                      Thank you Tony, all working.


                      • #12
                        Re: ????

                        Thanks members problem solved


                        • #13
                          Re: ????

                          thanks, i appear to be up & running, but still not showing on members map!


                          • #14
                            Re: ????

                            Thanks for the sort out,I am able to get into Members area now,much obliged to all who helped


                            • #15
                              Re: ????

                              Originally posted by blue lizard View Post
                              thanks, i appear to be up & running, but still not showing on members map!
                              It says that you need to contact admin if you want to be included in the Members Map,don't know if you knew that or not,hope it helps.

