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Another Marina brake problem

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  • Another Marina brake problem

    Figured I'd start a new thread on this...

    Despite passing the MOT yesterday, on the drive home from Perth, the rear drums began to make a groaning noise. I'd touch the brake pedal & it'd stop. Only to start again shortly afterwards.

    Today I jacked it up, removed the wheels and the drums. The offside brake piston had leaked fluid all over the shoes & they were clearly not binding against the drum. By contrast the other nearside drum outer paintwork (red hammerite) was discoloured to a brown around the outer edge; it must have got pretty hot for that to happen. It otherwise seemed ok no leaks.

    So I began to strip the offside brake components and now have the shoes removed and the pipes removed from the back & the handbrake disconnected too. I am stuck on removing the actual piston... I removed a rear rubber boot which was around it and there seems to be a flat metal rim on the area where the pipes screw in..? Can some kind Soul illuminate me on how to remove the piston from this stage?

    This looks like a replacement part.. but I think I need to measure the one I have to be sure...

    I think I will replace both rear pistons and shoes in one go..

    One step forward, two steps back...
    Last edited by element; 04-08-16, 11:56 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Another Marina brake problem

    On the back of the cylinder you removed a rubber dust boot. The cylinder body passes through the backplate, it is designed to slide and is secured by two Spring clips looking exactly like these here normally hidden by the dust boot.

    But just a reminder that parts lists and workshop manuals are available via the link in my signature below.


    • #3
      Re: Another Marina brake problem

      Ok thank you - I got it now; the two clips go front and back inwards to make it look as though they are one continuous ring.. I'll go and get another go this afternoon...


      • #4
        Re: Another Marina brake problem

        There's a thread on here from last year when I rebuilt my marina brakes both sides, lots of useful pics and comments.
        - 9th owner of T693 SSC possibly a factory built Ford based V8 Sportster
        - 4th owner of Q309 RNV, an early Cabrio built by Bob Copping, owned Doug & Liz Billings for 16 years
        - 9th Custodian of JRR 929D, Triumph Vitesse based special Paul Moorehouse built prior to the Triumph Roadster kits.
        - 8th owner of Roadster chassis number 2395. Now owned by Barry!
        - Builder of chassis number 2325 (PKK 989M) in the mid 80's. Now owned by Eric & Lynne.


        • #5
          Re: Another Marina brake problem

          Ok, thanks, I'll look for it. Parts ordered and due to arrive next week...

