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Fuses and what they feed ??

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  • Fuses and what they feed ??

    Me again messing about under there again,this time getting the Indicator Stalk off to investigate as I have no horn or indicators working,side and headlights o-k and main beam works off the stalk switch so baffled as usual,think the Stalk is knackered .managed to find a NOS Stalk and waiting for it to arrive.Hope it Works !.Ahhh but while I am under there took pictures of the 2 fuses.When the ignition is turned on there is power to the bottom fuse holder but not the top fuse holder ??.Not knowing anything about electrics on a car but would have thought there should be power to both of the fuse holders ?.Bet somebody knows. I hope
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  • #2
    Re: Fuses and what they feed ??

    Typically on a lucas based loom the soild brown wire is a live feed direct from the battery, Purple is the main colour feeding auxiliary devices that have a permanent feed, such as horn, interior light etc.

    So it looks like you have lost you feed from the battery



    • #3
      Re: Fuses and what they feed ??

      There are several circuit diagrams if you follow the link in my signature below.

      It depends to an extent on what your donor car was, the white wire feeds direct from the ignition switch directly feeding the coil and instrument lights and headlamp switch. From the fuse via the green wire it feeds the indicator circuit, brake light circuit and wiper motor
      The fuse fed by the brown wire which originates from the battery via a permanent connection to the starter solenoid, fuses the purple wires that feed the horn headlight flasher and interior lights (which confuses me because they are unrelated to the indicator circuit)

      It's quite difficult to describe in words the diagrams are so much better.


      • #4
        Re: Fuses and what they feed ??

        The state of that I am surprised anything works.

        Try cleaning the fuse holders and fuses then check the fuses also notice there is another fuse line holder just below the green wires.

        A cheap multi meter would help identify what's live and what's not.

        As Steve say's you need a wiring diagram for the model of car the loom was from.(
        Ben Caswell probably not the last word on anything here!!


        • #5
          Re: Fuses and what they feed ??

          wiring diagrams for marina roadsters are here in the manuals section if that will help


          • #6
            Re: Fuses and what they feed ??

            Originally posted by cameronfurnival View Post
            wiring diagrams for marina roadsters are here in the manuals section if that will help
            I get this when I try and open the link, mmmmm

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            • #7
              Re: Fuses and what they feed ??

              The link takes you to this thread :

              Works for me, but I guess you may need to talk with the new Webbie ?
              Last edited by dcunn; 10-08-16, 06:15 PM.


              • #8
                Re: Fuses and what they feed ??

                Thank's for the help everybody who posted,much appreciated,so from what you are all saying that top fuse holder should show to be live all the time or when ignition is on ?.I have put a tester light on there and it is not live even with ignition on,the bottom fuse is live,though I have to admit the diagrams are as clear as mud to me really,looks like a job for a professional to have a look,a friend of mine from the Rolls Royce and Bentley forums is a retired Auto Electrician so I will have to see if he can help me with it.As for losing the main supply from the Battery I can't imagine how that could happen ? but will try and trace the feed from the battery anyway to start with,all was fine last week and then on the way to a show on Sunday I went to pip the horn and it did not work,checked the 3 fuses and they are all o-k and as I say everything works o-k apart from indicators,horn and headlamp flash,hoping its a faulty indicator stalk,will update as I find anything,cheers to all.


                • #9
                  Re: Fuses and what they feed ??

                  I have fixed the access problem for "listerjp2".

                  If any others have similar problems please email me to get the fastest response. I do try to read every post but sometimes if they are of no interest...


                  • #10
                    Re: Fuses and what they feed ??

                    Thank you very much for all the help,I have actually saved a lot of information about the Marlin off the club info into my Documents folder for future reference,I am amazed at how much info there is via the club,very impressive and extremely helpful,today after reading all the replies to my post last night I went on the mission of investigating into the problem and have now got to the bottom of it.Turns out to be a couple of things,first of all as one of the members hkp57 implied I had lost the Main feed from the battery to the top fuse supply on the fuse housing.I traced the main Positive cable from the battery to the starter solenoid and checked the connection and sure enough after cleaning it got the supply back,there was a poor connection there.I will be doing more clean ups !!Also after taking apart the Indicator stalk I found a problem with that as well,there was a small contact pin dislodged,this moves to make contact with left or right indicator feed,after re-installing it all back as it should be it works fine now.Another learning curve accomplished,and a little bit more wiser once again.Thank you again for your input,regards.Graham..Thank's everybody.


                    • #11
                      Re: Fuses and what they feed ??

                      To reiterate what I have posted elsewhere.
                      The Marina has an ancient wiring system, full of 'Lucas smoke'. The stalk switches, though prone to mechanical failure after 40 years of service, unlike modern cars, switch the full load of the destination device.
                      Adding relays to the headlamp (dip, main and flash) circuit, and even the horn, can substantially reduce the load passing through the stalk switch contacts. Similarly the use of LED lamps, used with an appropriate resistor and LED flasher unit can further reduce the load on a 40 yr old component, extending it's life.

                      There is little doubt that some of the more modern wiring solutions, though a little challenging, can and will improve the electrics of a Marlin Roadster.

                      It does always help though to study the old circuit diagrams that give significant clues in the reasons why things were wired as they were.


                      • #12
                        Re: Fuses and what they feed ??

                        [QUOTE=stevejgreen;39036]There are several circuit diagrams if you follow the link in my signature below.

                        It depends to an extent on what your donor car was, the white wire feeds direct from the ignition switch directly feeding the coil and instrument lights and headlamp switch. From the fuse via the green wire it feeds the indicator circuit, brake light circuit and wiper motor
                        The fuse fed by the brown wire which originates from the battery via a permanent connection to the starter solenoid, fuses the purple wires that feed the horn headlight flasher and interior lights (which confuses me because they are unrelated to the indicator circuit)

                        It's quite difficult to describe in words the diagrams are so much better.[/QUOTE

                        Went straight to the battery and found the permanent feed to the solenoid and sure enough one of the connections from the solenoid to the fuse holder was faulty,now rectified thank you.As for the Indicators it was a fault on the Innards of the Stalk,also now rectified after taking it apart and refitting a dislodged metal pin in there.Cheers for the input


                        • #13
                          Re: Fuses and what they feed ??

                          Nice easy fix, that's good news.

