Hello everyone from a not so sunny Cornwall.
Back in the early 80's a friend of mine built the Marina based Roadster and it was registered in 1985.
He sold it in the early 90's to another friend of mine who then sold it to his brother, it was then sold on again which is where we lost track of it.
I was talking to the original builder the other day and we were wondering if it is still living and where it is now, possibly one of the club members.
I did a DVLA search on it and it hasn't been MOT'd for a few years and currently SORN.
The registration is JOD 716N and the attached photos (hopefully uploaded) were taken when we took it on a very wet road trip in the 90's to a kit car show in Stafford.
If anyone has details of this would be appreciated.
Back in the early 80's a friend of mine built the Marina based Roadster and it was registered in 1985.
He sold it in the early 90's to another friend of mine who then sold it to his brother, it was then sold on again which is where we lost track of it.
I was talking to the original builder the other day and we were wondering if it is still living and where it is now, possibly one of the club members.
I did a DVLA search on it and it hasn't been MOT'd for a few years and currently SORN.
The registration is JOD 716N and the attached photos (hopefully uploaded) were taken when we took it on a very wet road trip in the 90's to a kit car show in Stafford.
If anyone has details of this would be appreciated.