Ok, story so far. Bought a LWB Marlin after hankering for one for some 20+ years. Wish I could have built my own. Well I now have the chance, I have just purchased an unfinished project SWB 1984 Roadster and (mad I know) would like to get it finished and SVA'd. That's the thing (big subject I know), but has anyone built and got their car SVA'd to the new regs? Was it tough or should I just carry on with my other Marlin?
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Hi Adrian, It has been done with a hybrid but the guy then sold it on.Which kit or Haynes do a SVA build guide or you could get a copy of the DVLA guide. As this kit was produced before SVA was thought of, it will need the seat belt mounts upgrading and the positions revised. There is a minimum distance between the seat squab and the shoulder mount that is tight on the Roadster but you can lower the floor. Windscreen needs to have the correct safety markings and the frame edges need radiusing as do all the leading edges on the body and suspension. The doors need a two stage lock plate. These are the more challenging points to over come.Im sure with a bit of forward thinking,research and planning it can be achieved. Best of luck if you do there is nothing more satisying than say YES to"Did you build it yourself?"Ben Caswell probably not the last word on anything here!!