Information needed on changing wheel studs for longer ones.
Back in the day when it had wire wheels the studs were shortened to deal with a clearance issue when the spline adapters were bolted on and the studs protruded which meant the wheels would not sit properly.
Later upgraded to alloys but there was just enough stud length to make them safe to use.
Today, I have purchased from the wonderful eBay some 15 " alloys, BUT they have a slightly incorrect offset which means that 10mm spacers will be required.
Now, this in turn (it is never easy) means replacing the studs with longer ones.
The question is..... How do you replace them. Is there a method that does not require the complete removal of the front hubs, separating them from the disc etc?
The rears also look like a nightmare. I have never manged to separate a rear hub from the drive shaft using home garage equipment. Last one i did required so much force from the press that when it finally gave in, the bang was so loud that people from the nearby units came to see what had happened and the garage mechanic nearly had an accident.
All advice gratefully received.
Back in the day when it had wire wheels the studs were shortened to deal with a clearance issue when the spline adapters were bolted on and the studs protruded which meant the wheels would not sit properly.
Later upgraded to alloys but there was just enough stud length to make them safe to use.
Today, I have purchased from the wonderful eBay some 15 " alloys, BUT they have a slightly incorrect offset which means that 10mm spacers will be required.
Now, this in turn (it is never easy) means replacing the studs with longer ones.
The question is..... How do you replace them. Is there a method that does not require the complete removal of the front hubs, separating them from the disc etc?
The rears also look like a nightmare. I have never manged to separate a rear hub from the drive shaft using home garage equipment. Last one i did required so much force from the press that when it finally gave in, the bang was so loud that people from the nearby units came to see what had happened and the garage mechanic nearly had an accident.
All advice gratefully received.