Today I bit the bullet. I had been planning to convert my Ford fuel gauge sender to a Marina sender. Today I did it. Very simple cut the Ford sender off ,cut the marina sender off. Using a pipe sleeve solder the marina sender to the Ford tank fitting. Adjust the float arm to get the right movement . Job done. Yea Right!
First set up fan heater Trace the Ford arm on a work board then decide where to cut it. Straighten the Marina pickup tube and mark the cut, trim the length to match the Ford tube. Clamp together and solder with high Silver solder. When it cooled pressure test. Finger over one end blow down the other, soapy water on he joint, no bubbles all good. Using the tracing, bend the float arm to get the float in the right place for full and empty. Really it needed the arm extended but it should show empty with some reserve. Solder the Ford wire to the Marina sender.Test it dry, goes from empty to full. I did test it before I started just to make sure that it worked and to mark which way was full . Opposite to the ford. Refit using laboratory quality tool. Try it, the gauge shows 3/4 full which is what the tank is. One solution to the gauge problem.
Including ponder time about 3hours . Cost a S/H Marina sender. The pictures show the two senders, Ford on the Left. The other two are the modified sender. the forth is the tool.
One more job off the list. Sorry about the photo quality.
First set up fan heater Trace the Ford arm on a work board then decide where to cut it. Straighten the Marina pickup tube and mark the cut, trim the length to match the Ford tube. Clamp together and solder with high Silver solder. When it cooled pressure test. Finger over one end blow down the other, soapy water on he joint, no bubbles all good. Using the tracing, bend the float arm to get the float in the right place for full and empty. Really it needed the arm extended but it should show empty with some reserve. Solder the Ford wire to the Marina sender.Test it dry, goes from empty to full. I did test it before I started just to make sure that it worked and to mark which way was full . Opposite to the ford. Refit using laboratory quality tool. Try it, the gauge shows 3/4 full which is what the tank is. One solution to the gauge problem.
Including ponder time about 3hours . Cost a S/H Marina sender. The pictures show the two senders, Ford on the Left. The other two are the modified sender. the forth is the tool.
One more job off the list. Sorry about the photo quality.