Last year I became aware that there was some kind of suspension knock sound coming from the passenger footwell area. I decided to deal with it over the winter... Well, winter came and... looking outside - its still here! I have now got the car up on blocks in the garage and can get at the situation underneath. So I'm working through a few maintenance jobs and this knocking sound is one of them.
I can see that the nearside torsion bar attaches just forward of the passenger footwell and that there appears to be a vertical bolt that seems to be for adjusting the set up. In the attached photo's - one shows the torsion bar fixed to the outside forward face of the footwell and held in situ with the 'adjusting' bolt to the left. Ignore the smaller threaded bolt - that's just from the clutch lever sited just in front of it. In the other photo the vertical bolt is more obvious. I suspect the knocking sound is the head of this vertical bolt rapping against the flange immediately beneath it.
Would I be correct to think that the bolt simply needs to be 'undone' a little to lower it down tight against the flange? If someone else has encountered this noise - in this area - how did you fix it?
Ta very much...
I can see that the nearside torsion bar attaches just forward of the passenger footwell and that there appears to be a vertical bolt that seems to be for adjusting the set up. In the attached photo's - one shows the torsion bar fixed to the outside forward face of the footwell and held in situ with the 'adjusting' bolt to the left. Ignore the smaller threaded bolt - that's just from the clutch lever sited just in front of it. In the other photo the vertical bolt is more obvious. I suspect the knocking sound is the head of this vertical bolt rapping against the flange immediately beneath it.
Would I be correct to think that the bolt simply needs to be 'undone' a little to lower it down tight against the flange? If someone else has encountered this noise - in this area - how did you fix it?
Ta very much...