My Berlinetta is about to go to the trimmer to have the interior done. My question is how have others attached the hardtop headlining at the top of the windscreen and along the rear where it meets the boot section? I suggested that the headlining should just be glued on all over but they were not keen on that. Pics would be great. Any advice appreciated. Scott.
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Berlinetta headlining.
Re: Berlinetta headlining.
Glue has not proved to be very successful. Lots of Berlys with headlining hanging in a short time. Some success with thin ribbed type carpet stretched and glued. However one of the best I have seen was (old school) headlining fabric on wires as was. There was a flock spray (not sure if still available) I am just spraying mine in a light colour.
Re: Berlinetta headlining.
A local foam supplier suggested thin foam backed material that was used specifically for headlining. Has some elasticity and fitted with high temperature resistant spray adhesive.
This has not moved for 4 years and still looks as good as when fitted, quieter too.
Re: Berlinetta headlining.
Not, perhaps too relevant, but if you want a laugh, you can follow our antics with rooflining here:-
Fitting headlining to a Freeman 30Marlin Hunter R500 ULA 1997 Ford-Based Hunter with 2.3 DOHC L4 engine, chassis/kit No. 157
Re: Berlinetta headlining.
Back in the early 70s I transported foam backed fabrics to the car industry that was numerous in those days, they were always held in place by Thixotropic adhesive. A word you somehow cant forget . Just like wossaname to a woollen covering.
Re: Berlinetta headlining.
I had foam backed headlining on my hardtop. After 12 years it has rotted away making a huge mess. I'll need to replace the headlining before winter but it will be job cleaning the old glue and powdery foam from the hardtop. Maybe I will need to work out how the wire system works.Marlin Berlinetta 2.1 Efi