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luggage rack

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  • luggage rack

    hi all
    I think i have found the answer to the problem of lack of luggage space. I have purchaced a luggage rack that fits on the tow ball from a firm called BAK RAK their web site is I am not associated in any way with this company i just think the product is excellent
    see photos

  • #2
    Re: luggage rack

    Brilliant! - Which particular variation/combination of bits did you buy to make it work for the Roadster? I want one!


    • #3
      Re: luggage rack

      I agree, it seems to be the answer to the problem of carrying larger loads. I live quite close, Peterborough, any chance of having a look at the rack on your car?



      • #4
        Re: luggage rack

        Hi Chris and Alan
        The basic kit includes the attachment for the tow ball and the rack. You are able to purchase fitments to carry almost every thing. My golf bag and trolley and camping gear ect fits perfectly.
        Alan if you would like to meet in a pub halfway let me know I live in Oakham


        • #5
          Re: luggage rack

          Hey! Another golfing Marlin owner


          • #6
            Re: luggage rack

            Message originally posted by: Alna Landsburgh
            Hi Bob

            Yes I am up for that. I'm not all that familiar with pubs between Peterborough and Oakham so if you can suggest one we can arrange a time and date.

            Cheers Alan


            • #7
              Re: luggage rack

              Hi Bob

              Just had a thought. Franklin Woodcock and I meet up in a pub in Duddington at the A47/A43 intersection once a month and it would be good if perhaps we could all get togeteher. The only draw-back is that we tend to meet at lunchtime during the week and I don't know your availability (we've both retired). If not we'll go back to Plan A above.

              Cheers Alan


              • #8
                Re: luggage rack

                My Dad keeps threating to borrow the Marlin to pose at the golf club - I/he will have no excuse now!


                • #9
                  Re: luggage rack

                  Hi Alan
                  let me know when you are getting together as i do have some time off during the week as i work some week ends.


                  • #10
                    Re: luggage rack

                    Hi Bob

                    I've checked with Franklin and agreed to meet at 12.30 on 22nd June at the Royal Oak pub in Duddington. They do quite good snack lunches at reasonable prices. It would be great if you can also make it and we can check out your luggage rack. We have probably got a couple of Mods on our cars that might interest you, with a bit of luck.

                    Cheers Alan

