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Identifying parts ...

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  • Identifying parts ...

    Can be a tiny bit of a headache for subsequent owners.

    I am currently trying to identify/source the 'plastic' top steering column bush [in order to replace it for MOT.]

    Thought it might be something BMC [Mini perhaps - but supposedly wrong I/D - mine is about 22mm].

    What was commonly used on Mk2 Marlin Roadsters - a Marina one? (It is marked "Cam Gears Limited Patents Pending." but no number.)
    Last edited by marlin1984; 20-09-19, 11:22 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Identifying parts ...

    They are pre ‘85 Classic Mini parts from Minspares, for top plastic and lower felt.

    Plastic upper bush that should be replaced when you have play between the inner and outer steering column. Remember to change the bottom as well whether it be felt or plastic type.

    Do not forget to replace the top plastic bush [link]GSV1095[/link] when replacing this lower felt type bush. From 1985 Rover changed to a plastic bush [link]NAM8563[/link] on the bottom with a different outer steering column shroud.

    You don’t say what you tried to fit or where you sourced it?


    • #3
      Re: Identifying parts ...

      Originally posted by stevejgreen View Post
      They are pre ‘85 Classic Mini parts from Minspares, for top plastic and lower felt.

      Plastic upper bush that should be replaced when you have play between the inner and outer steering column. Remember to change the bottom as well whether it be felt or plastic type.

      Do not forget to replace the top plastic bush [link]GSV1095[/link] when replacing this lower felt type bush. From 1985 Rover changed to a plastic bush [link]NAM8563[/link] on the bottom with a different outer steering column shroud.

      You don’t say what you tried to fit or where you sourced it?
      Thanks for trying to help.

      I don't say ... because I'm still looking and have not sourced one yet.

      Mini top ones appear to be wrong I/D - that's according to a vendor of Mini parts who measured one for me. May be wrong ?
      Bottom bush is also appears to be 'plastic' but OK [may have been changed by a PO of course - as it has tape around it to tighten fit ...] NOT felt as per early Mini. (See later post - it WAS felt but wrapped in tape!)
      I see Minispares say "Remember to change the bottom as well whether it be felt or plastic type."
      Last edited by marlin1984; 26-10-19, 10:10 PM.


      • #4
        Re: Identifying parts ...

        A vendor of Mini parts is unlikely to have a Marina parts book close at hand. The Marina parts book uses the part numbers detailed for a classic Mini.

        It sounds as though the previous owner did a bodge job.

        Maybe they did not realise that the felt Bush was perfectly acceptable, just like the MOT testers who suggest over-tightening front wheel bearings to remove what they think is unacceptable play.

        I would strip the column out, buy what are, without doubt, the correct parts for a Marina steering column, and then try to undo the bodge, rather than add yet another bodge on top of it.
        It’s not as though the parts are super expensive!

        Yes it’s all too easy for a repairer to do half a job, after all, many people don’t check that a job has been done completely.

        If you do go your own way, post lots of photographs and relevant part numbers, there is an outside chance that I am wrong.
        Last edited by stevejgreen; 20-09-19, 11:41 AM.


        • #5
          Re: Identifying parts ...

          Quite! I reckon Mini-man was using a calibrated stick. [make that a badly-calibrated stick]

          [I have found very badly bodged wiring on this Marlin but that is another story!
          Suffice it to say my neighbour said "A major fire in this wiring would not actually be a bad thing." ...

          I am blaming a PO or even a Marina owner for the bushing bodge.]


          Just ordered top bush from TS [Liverpool] Ltd. Motor Factors. Even cheaper than Minispares.

          Fits FX4 taxis ... and Mini !!
          Last edited by marlin1984; 21-09-19, 10:15 PM.


          • #6
            Re: Identifying parts ...

            Whatever you do with the wiring, don’t let the Lucas Smoke out.

            Log into your KeepandShare account with your account name and password.

            The standard(?) Marina wiring is very short on fuses and relays for high current consuming devices like headlights and main beam where the full current is carried by a comparatively lightweight switch. The use of LED lights on indicator, brake and marker lights, can similarly extend the life of many instrument switches.

            I am always cautious of web sites that offer parts for sale, that do not use the same part number. Cheaper is not necessarily better!

            Do they also sell the felt bushing? You might end up paying double postage, and not saving money!


            • #7
              Re: Identifying parts ...

              Lucas Smoke was in grave danger of escaping with bodged wiring - that's why I'm working hard to sort it.

              Might eventually have to resort to what the Aussies call "Start ya bast**d"- only joking.

              Very useful info about shortcomings of Marina wiring - I'm thinking that's what's been cobbled up rather than starting from scratch.
              [done that twice with my Dellow and Allard - I'm not an electrician but they both worked ...]
              Will look into LEDs later.

              I share your caution re websites - too much Chinese lookalike/low-grade stuff coming in and being given German or Scandinavian-soundng names ... You've heard about the firm importing shockers from the Far East and selling them in boxes labelled "Stossdampfer" ?
              We are up against "marketing".

              The only possibly good thing about this firm is they sell to the taxi trade (the bush is after all listed for the Austin FX4 taxi ... )
              I reckon 99% of Mini parts vendors sell the same thing.

              I think I prefer the later plastic to greased felt for the bottom bush. Even BL changed to it later.

              ETA Just looked at your scan of the Marina wiring diagram !!! Just two fuses in a box and a couple of inlines !
              Two fuses - the same as a bargain-basement Reliant Kitten ! AMHIK
              Last edited by marlin1984; 20-09-19, 10:48 PM.


              • #8
                Re: Identifying parts ...

                For those, like me, who think ETA means Estimated Time of Arrival (from the Apollo space program) I looked it up and assuming it’s not:
                Euskadi Ta Askatasuna, Electronic Travel Authority, Easy To Assemble, Equality To All, Eric The Awful, Explore Think Act, Erroding Terrain Asilar, Empty Tank Alert, Eat That Apple, Elvis Tribute Artist, Encrypted Traffic Analytics, European Tug-owners Association, Eating Takes All, Essential Tactical Advantage
                Or any of the other 89 listed I think it means: Edited To Add.

                Also AMHIK = Ask Me How I Know

                I know this makes me seem STUPID!

                STUPID = Smart Talented Unique Person in Demand.
                PS = Post Scriptum


                • #9
                  Re: Identifying parts ...

                  I am extremely sceptical about so called parts experts.

                  Not so long ago I needed a reversing switch for a Ford T9 gearbox.

                  I was asked for a registration number, difficult on a kit car as as it won’t be on their list.

                  So we got to what car, it was a 5 speed Capri, a Scorpio, a Sierra, a Transit etc, any rear wheel drive post 1983, but many of the earlier 4 speed gearboxes prior to ‘83, the old Capri, Cortina, even ac Corsair would do!

                  Sadly I wasn’t specific enough, and I rapidly got bored.

                  I’ve seen it too often, the people with the people with real knowledge get replaced by computer operators, information that once existed in experts heads is forgotten or lost rapidly.


                  • #10
                    Re: Identifying parts ...

                    I replaced my top steering bush and lower felt bush with.


                    • #11
                      Re: Identifying parts ...

                      Originally posted by meverett View Post
                      I rarely trust eBay links to spare parts, primarily because they are transient. Far better to deal with established suppliers who are more likely to be around for future needs.


                      • #12
                        Re: Identifying parts ...

                        Minimine are an established classic mini specialist business also selling on eBay.

                        I have purchased from them in the past with service and quality excellent.

                        I do agree that you do have to be careful who you are buying from on eBay and always check them out first.



                        • #13
                          Re: Identifying parts ...

                          Originally posted by meverett View Post
                          I do agree that you do have to be careful who you are buying from on eBay and always check them out first.
                          My point entirely, but unless you investigate, you will never know! Not everyone takes the time to check out supplier reviews.
                          Buying direct from a supplier is always best. They don’t end up paying eBay charges to sell an item.

                          My motto has always been, check, check then check again, buying on impulse, or somebody else’s recommendation is not always reliable.


                          • #14
                            Re: Identifying parts ...

                            I rather agree - even sent a few emails asking exactly where a part is actually made (being wary of Far East 'quality') ... most firms reply honestly, some don't bother [which is an answer in itself].


                            • #15
                              Re: Identifying parts ...

                              Originally posted by milliemarlin View Post
                              For those, like me, who think ETA means Estimated Time of Arrival (from the Apollo space program) I looked it up and assuming it’s not:
                              Euskadi Ta Askatasuna, Electronic Travel Authority, Easy To Assemble, Equality To All, Eric The Awful, Explore Think Act, Erroding Terrain Asilar, Empty Tank Alert, Eat That Apple, Elvis Tribute Artist, Encrypted Traffic Analytics, European Tug-owners Association, Eating Takes All, Essential Tactical Advantage
                              Or any of the other 89 listed I think it means: Edited To Add.

                              Also AMHIK = Ask Me How I Know

                              I know this makes me seem STUPID!

                              STUPID = Smart Talented Unique Person in Demand.
                              PS = Post Scriptum
                              Paul - I always thought that on fora ETA was recognised by most as standing for Edited To Add but I am happy to be corrected ... 89 alternatives !! [I think some of them such as European Tug-Owners Association/Erroding Terrain Asilar might be stretching credibility just a bit ? ]

                              Are you sure Estimated Time of Arrival is from Apollo ? Sounds more like B.R.
                              Last edited by marlin1984; 21-09-19, 10:29 PM.

