Well its been a month since we started, Weather and also holidays have prevented driving out.
I bought, a while back, an Artek emergency battery pack, and it was very useful as the alarm had drained the battery past even switching itself off.
Connected, waited three seconds all clicked back on, turned the key and we fired first time. Now I have to admit that the car sits outside all of the time, protected only by two breathable covers.
Running smoothly in a matter of seconds as the engine cleared its tubes, we decided it was time to go for a little run out.
As we started there were a few creaks and moans, and we gently pulled away. Within 5 minutes the creaks had gone, the engine was warm and the heat was coming up from the heater, which was good as the drive was a bit of an impulse and I was not really dressed for it.
Any way the spin around the block turned into an hour out around the roads of South Staffs and Leicestershire.
With a wispy sky and cold sun it was indeed a lovely day for a drive.
Have to admit the muds still on the car and it's two months since it last saw any clean water or wax. Maybe for Christmas.
And on that point I wish everyone a very happy Christmas.
I bought, a while back, an Artek emergency battery pack, and it was very useful as the alarm had drained the battery past even switching itself off.
Connected, waited three seconds all clicked back on, turned the key and we fired first time. Now I have to admit that the car sits outside all of the time, protected only by two breathable covers.
Running smoothly in a matter of seconds as the engine cleared its tubes, we decided it was time to go for a little run out.
As we started there were a few creaks and moans, and we gently pulled away. Within 5 minutes the creaks had gone, the engine was warm and the heat was coming up from the heater, which was good as the drive was a bit of an impulse and I was not really dressed for it.
Any way the spin around the block turned into an hour out around the roads of South Staffs and Leicestershire.
With a wispy sky and cold sun it was indeed a lovely day for a drive.
Have to admit the muds still on the car and it's two months since it last saw any clean water or wax. Maybe for Christmas.
And on that point I wish everyone a very happy Christmas.