Some time ago, when the column mounted switch gear packed up, it was all replaced with dash mounted switching and a couple of intermittent wash/wipe was one. I am beginning to experience minor problems... the electric windows sometimes don't wind and currently the indicators aren't indicating. I know my hand signals, but do all the others on our roads? Looking behind the dash reveals the not unexpected birds nest /maze of different diameters / colours and connectors, so I feel there may be a need to do some renewal / tidying / upgrading. At this point I'm fairly ignorant of my staring point...Marlin did produce a replacement wiring loom for the Cabrio...was it British Standard wiring (ie Lucas ) colour coded ? How do I tell "At a glance" if my loom is a Marlin one, or a recycled Ford Sierra one....the Sierra option would be a bit of a nightmare scenario as Ford colour coding has always seemed to be a dark art...varying and changing according to a seemingly infinite number of unlisted variables. In days of yore (1991) Trust Electrical (of Harrogate), in the person of one Martin Griffin, produced complete wiring harness for the Cortina / Sierra based kits of the era which arrived with all the connectors and an excellent set of instructions. Are such kits still available? Anyone know where from?
For now, I shall trouble shoot my indicators and intermittent wiper module, with a view to having a little fun from my car this year...but a longer term solution is certainly required.
For now, I shall trouble shoot my indicators and intermittent wiper module, with a view to having a little fun from my car this year...but a longer term solution is certainly required.