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Local Meet

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  • Local Meet

    Are there any members within the Leeds and surrounding area's that would be interested in a local meet, possibly once a month or so.

  • #2
    Re: Local Meet

    Hi Ian
    Yes I would be interested in a meet


    • #3
      Re: Local Meet

      Thanks for your interest Andrew,hope to hear from other interested parties in the Yorkshire area then we can agree on a venue that is central to all.


      • #4
        Re: Local Meet

        Count me in if it gets off the ground


        • #5
          Re: Local Meet

          Message originally posted by: matthew Sykes
          I'd certainly try and make it too


          • #6
            Re: Local Meet

            Anybody got any suggestions on a location


            • #7
              Re: Local Meet

              Ian, were you thinking in the evening or sometime over a weekend in the day?


              • #8
                Re: Local Meet

                As we are nearing the end of the fine evenings for this year, I would suggest a weekend meet initially, It does'nt matter to me whether it's a Saturday or Sunday, morning or afternoon, after all it may only be once a month, things can be altered to suit all but it would be nice to get it off the ground, if we can arrange an initial meet I am sure we can all come to an agreement on further meets.


                • #9
                  Re: Local Meet

                  Sounds good to me, afternoons would be better for me. Afraid I would have to come along in the family hack as my Marlin is a Cabrio which is still in build but it would be nice to chat to like minded people even if mine is a slightly different animal to the Roadster.


                  • #10
                    Re: Local Meet

                    Well there's four of us to start off, how about somebody suggesting a good pub for a sunday afternoon chat over a pint, How's you're roadster build coming along Matthew, keep meaning to call in again at Vermont Classics, but as always never have time, be good to get together now and again


                    • #11
                      Re: Local Meet

                      In response to Ian Ackroyds suggestion for a Yorkshire meet. For those who have already replied via the web we need contact details to take it forward. With the four above plus me we could make a start.
                      Please contact either Michael on 01132941135 or Ian on07814008434
                      YKC 1994 Roadster LWB 3.5 Rover V8


                      • #12
                        Re: Local Meet

                        Hi All
                        Spotted the plea in Pitstop and phoned Ian. We'd be interested too, it's sometimes too far for the national get togethers. You may recognise our names as we've taken over the Cabrio project from Marlin, and are setting up as Javelin Sports Cars. Hope we don't talk cars the whole time or it will be a bit of a busmans holiday!
                        Dave & Caroline

