Hi all again
A problem I've had since I fitted the Marina 1.8 TC dials to my 1.3 based Marlin is that the Speedometer reads 10mph to slow I.e. at 30 it reads 20.
Thinking about it, it gets its motion from the speed wheel attached to the gearbox.
I have found that there are a number of different teeth configurations I.e. 17. 19, , 20, 23 etc.
Changing these changes the speed on the Speedometer.
I pulled out my one, a simple job, and found it to be black and with 23 teeth.
The marina 1.8 TC one has 20 teeth and is orange.
I managed to find one from a nice guy on the Fast Marina site for £15 Inc. Post and package.
Fitted this morning and took the old girl for a drive.
Low and behold the Speedometer is as near as damn it spot on.
Now thinking about it further this could be done on Triumph, Marina and Sierra based cars as well.
Would like to hear if anyone else would like to try and let us know.
It appears less teeth the faster the Speedometer goes and more to slow it down
A problem I've had since I fitted the Marina 1.8 TC dials to my 1.3 based Marlin is that the Speedometer reads 10mph to slow I.e. at 30 it reads 20.
Thinking about it, it gets its motion from the speed wheel attached to the gearbox.
I have found that there are a number of different teeth configurations I.e. 17. 19, , 20, 23 etc.
Changing these changes the speed on the Speedometer.
I pulled out my one, a simple job, and found it to be black and with 23 teeth.
The marina 1.8 TC one has 20 teeth and is orange.
I managed to find one from a nice guy on the Fast Marina site for £15 Inc. Post and package.
Fitted this morning and took the old girl for a drive.
Low and behold the Speedometer is as near as damn it spot on.
Now thinking about it further this could be done on Triumph, Marina and Sierra based cars as well.
Would like to hear if anyone else would like to try and let us know.
It appears less teeth the faster the Speedometer goes and more to slow it down