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  • Engines

    I have an O series engine.

    I fancy replacing it with a diesel. Has anyone done this?

  • #2
    Re: Engines

    A Diesel Marlin !!!, that's got to be a first.

    I have toyed with the idea of electric propulsion myself and also a diesel. Then I woke up and thought what's the point ????, that's daft !!.


    • #3
      Re: Engines


      Hi mate!

      Seeing as you are only a few miles away would you like to meet and discuss any Marlin based stuff over a jar sometime?
      I have a 1275 Marina based Roadster but it is a bit of a project car, with umpteen mods etc planned. Would be great to be able to discuss with someone else who (more than likely!) knows a bit more about cars than myself. I'm buying!




      • #4
        Re: Engines

        I know it's daft! But the car is my toy and I need an excuse to fiddle. Funny I thought about electric too - I figured that could wait until secondhand Priuses get cheap enough.

        Gav - sure, let's compare notes. My phone is 01349 863534


        • #5
          Re: Engines

          A couple of url's if you want to know more about electric propulsion :-

          for motors (48v & four 120 Ah car batteries).


          for controllers.

          My current thoughts are electric conversion of a reliant kitten for local running about & commuting - I still must be daft !!!, but it would be an interesting project.


          • #6
            Re: Engines

            Message originally posted by: Danny Nelson.
            Yes the first diesel roadster to my knowledge is now up and running. Its a mitzy engine and the owner is Noel of the South West Area.


            • #7
              Re: Engines

              Danny, any details?

              Neil, thanks for the interesting leads.


              • #8
                Re: Engines

                Message originally posted by: Neil M.
                Hi.Brian,just noticed your thoughts on dieselifying your roadster.I`ve been building a Cabrio for a few years now (It`s a long story)with a 2ltr.Pinto and quite a few times I`ve thought why am I putting in a sodding petrol engine.I`ve had diesel cars for years now,I used to convert Victors to Perkins 108`s and the like.We still have two diesel cars in the family and I wouldn`t be against a diesel kit.Say a 1.7 Izuzu turbo at about 80-90 bhp.That would be quick in a kit.Yep,I would do a diesel.

