Hi its me struggling again, anyone got any tips for fitting the f/glass cant rail to my new hood? How tight should it be? What fixing should I use? etc. Thanks in anticipation. Merv
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Fitting Cant Rail to hood
Re: Fitting Cant Rail to hood
I simply stuck mine with evostick. More important is how you make sure it doesn't fly off at speed which it probably will if you don't do something. Some folk use siple wedges, others actually drill and tap the windscreeen frame and use fasteners. I made 2 stretchers that forced the cant rail round the windscreen frame. Possibly not the best solution see what others have to say
Re: Fitting Cant Rail to hood
Message originally posted by: John Hedges
Hi Merv, as I did not want to add additional fixings when fitting my hood I centralised the hood at the rear and fixed first, then placed a fan heater inside the car stretched the hood forward and allowed it to fully warm through then using Evostick fixed firmly to the screen/fibreglass rail having pulled it as tight as the proverbial drum. Yes it can be a little awkward to fit in a hurry but the overall uncluttered effect I feel is better, and of course simple and no additional components to store "hood down" weather permitting.
Have fun (John the coachbuilder)
Re: Fitting Cant Rail to hood
Hi Merv - my hood is getting on a bit so to tighten it up and make it more secure on the windscreen frame I used a 1" thick piece of self adhesive foam stuck under the cant rail on the hood. This looks very neat and works well. It took me 10 minutes to fit and hood fitting / removal is quick and easy.