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Pulling police cars over...

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  • Pulling police cars over...

    Crazy coincidence tonight as I was stopping by my old flat at the other end of Camden Town to pick up some bits I'd left behind when I moved house a few weeks ago...

    As I came up to open my Roadster's door to drive home, a police car pulled up alongside and the driver rolled down the window. He then smilingly told me that his brother used to own the car!

    I asked him to pull over to chat (just then I realised that I'd just asked a police car to pull over - never done that before!)

    Turns out he'd seen it parked in Camden Mews many times before and had even sent a few phone camera snaps of it back to his brother up in Peterborough to let him know MNA2G's doing just fine...

    I'd seen his brother's name on the old MOT's, and it all makes perfect sense, but what a coincidence!

  • #2
    Re: Pulling police cars over...

    Nice story, Ty. Did your heart jump when they first stopped?! It seems to be a conditioned reaction for me even tho' I'm (usually) completely legal...


    • #3
      Re: Pulling police cars over...

      Message originally posted by: Sue Roedel (MOC Editor)
      A police van followed me home once. I was driving properly, not aware that I had done anytyhing wrong and when I got home, I parked up, got out, locked the car hastily and walked briskly up the drive. "Good evening" said the policeman in the passenger side, leaning out of the window. Not wishing to engage in conversation, I replied "Good evening", then let myself in and closed the door, expecting a knock on the door any moment. The van pulled away and I breathed a sigh of relief that I had got away with whatever I had got away with. Some weeks later my fiance and I went to meet friends of his that I had met once or twice before. The guy, who was a policeman, said to me, "I followed you home the other night and when I said hello to you you ran indoors!" Well how was I supposed to know?!

