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Yorkshire Meet 06 March 2011

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  • #16
    Re: Yorkshire Meet 06 March 2011

    Pat and I plan to be there-ear muffs at the ready!
    See you Sunday


    • #17
      Re: Yorkshire Meet 06 March 2011

      Runs will be after lunch ...2 pm ish, I guess due in large part to getting everything in place - fire cover, crowd control and barriers (string?) etc

      Look forward to seeing you, David & Pat



      • #18
        Re: Yorkshire Meet 06 March 2011

        Many thanks from Simon to all who turned up - he has computer glitches so I'm writing this for him - nine cars this time.

        OK so watching jet aircraft on engine runs is worse than paint drying, but it was a nice sunny day, and I for one enjoyed the "social" bit (and the lunch) !

        Where & when for the next one ? ? ? ?
        Attached Files


        • #19
          Re: Yorkshire Meet 06 March 2011

          Thoroughly enjoyed day out. Many thanks for organising it Dave.


          • #20
            Re: Yorkshire Meet 06 March 2011

            Hi Dave, Sorry to have miised the get-together on the 6th. "Events dear boy, events" at the last minute blew me out. Silencers in Stainless now completed if you wish to see details let me have your E mail and I'll send a pic or two.


            Pete C


            • #21
              Re: Yorkshire Meet 06 March 2011

              Yes please Pete....I need to get a s/s system for mine so perhaps I should come and see your man.

              My e is dcunn(at)

              B Rgds DC


              • #22
                Re: Yorkshire Meet 06 March 2011

                hi, everyone i have finaly registered on the forum,computing is not my best subject!.Rather belatedly to say thanks to dave for organizing the yorkshire meet, Margaret & I enjoyed both events meeting members old &new, we still havent seen much of the museum, too busy chatting to the gang. look forward to the next meet.john & Margaret.

