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Fitting a bigger engine into my 1275cc Marlin

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  • #16
    Re: Fitting a bigger engine into my 1275cc Marlin

    Peter was suggesting that Adrian emails or PM's one of the Fastmarina admins, 'Beniboyz' (Ben)is probably the best as the first post that opens suggests. Beniboyz will still need the most recent username and email that Adrian used, preferably in the past few days as it makes it easier to find than one a year old.
    That's pretty much the route I would have taken.

    Incidentally, Adrian may be frustrated, but this incident illustrates an important point. Individuals need authorisation by a forum for security/spam issues. It is vital to the correct management of a forum. Turn the tables and look at this from the point of a non MOC member being blocked from the Marlin forum until they paid membership money. Thankfully it is my understanding that that idea has been dropped. Not just frustrating...


    • #17
      Re: Fitting a bigger engine into my 1275cc Marlin

      I will try but he is the same guy I contacted last time. I will let you all know the outcome.


      • #18
        Re: Fitting a bigger engine into my 1275cc Marlin

        sorry guys I cant find his email on that page and when I click his name it goes to the Username and Password Screen.


        • #19
          Re: Fitting a bigger engine into my 1275cc Marlin

          I have tried registering again but it says my email address is already in use?


          • #20
            Re: Fitting a bigger engine into my 1275cc Marlin

            Hi Adrian, I have been having the same problem as you ,dont yet know the fix.


            • #21
              Re: Fitting a bigger engine into my 1275cc Marlin

              Me to Adrian/Chris, very similar problems as Adrian.


              • #22
                Re: Fitting a bigger engine into my 1275cc Marlin

                Hi guys,
                Used the car to go to Selkirk Show on the borders Sunday.
                Two up cruised down motorway at indicated 40-45mph!
                But we passed more cars than passed us? 4 speed box and smiths gauge- any suggestions on how to cure??
                But we sailed on with out any problems my passenger and I were most impressed, this was first time at motorway speeds and loved the handling on the roads cross country.
                I was parked in the Scottish Kit Car Club stand and had quite a few people come up and say they had one or two (unfinished ) in their garages mainly Triumph based.
                We now have at least three on the West Coast now with a chap from Stevenston introducing himself.A very nice gentleman and lady partner chatted for a while, sorry I'm very bad with names, he looks at website so, Hi!
                It was good to see so much interest perhaps as Selkirk is not too far from Newcastle, I believe is closest group to Scotland , for a Marlin Owners Club Stand to be part of next years show.
                What about it chaps, then we could put some faces to names?
                Still haven't decided whether to keep engine or not!


                • #23
                  Re: Fitting a bigger engine into my 1275cc Marlin

                  Anyone know if an MGB engine and its matching overdrive gearbox would fit? (not forgetting rear axle, brakes and wheel upgrade issues, as well as new gearbox and engine mounts and propshaft).

                  This question doesn't take away from how good value and great engineering the Ford Mk9 ('V6') 5-speed gearbox conversion and special bellhousing for a Marina 1.8 B-Series engine looks - the one we've been aleted to on this thread. It is just there are plenty of rusty rubber bumpered MGBs out there as potential donors of engines, gearboxes and rostyle steel wheels...

                  I'd go for an Alfa/Fiat Twin-cam with it matching 5-speed box - if you can find one. And then get Guy Croft Tuning to tweak it a bit...

                  Let us know how you get on, as well as if your 1.3 engine and box is for sale.



                  • #24
                    Re: Fitting a bigger engine into my 1275cc Marlin

                    Nothing is impossible. It just depends on how much time and money you have.
                    MGB engine and box combiations have been fitted, the biggest drawback is that the MGB gearbox bell is wider than the already narrow Roadster transmission tunnel. You may well find you run out of space for your feet.
                    New engine mountings, or using the Marina B engine front plate and mounts, as well as a new gearbox mount will be needed.
                    There are different versions of the MGB oil filter, some might foul the chassis.
                    There are a few other problems, none insurmoutable, you will need an electric fuel pump and a new clutch pipe and a thin spacer between the carbs and manifold, to let the twin SU's fit without hitting the inner wing. And then the myriad of other issues like propshaft, speedo, overdrive wiring etc etc.

                    My thoughts are, if you are willing to do all the work, you might as well go Zetec with a nice new free revving engine and no significant transmission tunnel mods.


                    • #25
                      Re: Fitting a bigger engine into my 1275cc Marlin

                      (at)Gentleman Clive: I've just remembered that the speedo was out when I built the car, I think I stuck red marker tape at 30,40,60 and 70 after tailing a mate and a lot of arm waving at those speeds (before mobile phones
                      - 9th owner of T693 SSC possibly a factory built Ford based V8 Sportster
                      - 4th owner of Q309 RNV, an early Cabrio built by Bob Copping, owned Doug & Liz Billings for 16 years
                      - 9th Custodian of JRR 929D, Triumph Vitesse based special Paul Moorehouse built prior to the Triumph Roadster kits.
                      - 8th owner of Roadster chassis number 2395. Now owned by Barry!
                      - Builder of chassis number 2325 (PKK 989M) in the mid 80's. Now owned by Eric & Lynne.


                      • #26
                        Re: Fitting a bigger engine into my 1275cc Marlin

                        Hi David,
                        The speedo has been a source of amusement! not had the opportunity to get someone to follow me and do as you did. Found an electronic speedo with a bag of bits I got with the car and a sensor already fixed in place. Wired it up and went to calibrate it but when digital read out got to the START point it stopped and would not calibrate! So in with another one I found in garage and that read 30 when I think i was doing 50. Found some instructions on Speedy Cables website to calibrate, basically take some measurements and send details to them. This I will do on next day off when it's not raining!!!!!
                        Meanwhile I continue to use PKK as my daily driver and drive to work with a smile on my face.
                        Fancy joining me on a trip tp Le Mans Classic July 2012


                        • #27
                          Re: Fitting a bigger engine into my 1275cc Marlin

                          Hi Clive, I always used to jump in the car for a drive through the Kent countryside if I needed cheering up, always worked. Le Mans sounds interesting, let me ponder that one for a while, very tempting
                          - 9th owner of T693 SSC possibly a factory built Ford based V8 Sportster
                          - 4th owner of Q309 RNV, an early Cabrio built by Bob Copping, owned Doug & Liz Billings for 16 years
                          - 9th Custodian of JRR 929D, Triumph Vitesse based special Paul Moorehouse built prior to the Triumph Roadster kits.
                          - 8th owner of Roadster chassis number 2395. Now owned by Barry!
                          - Builder of chassis number 2325 (PKK 989M) in the mid 80's. Now owned by Eric & Lynne.

