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Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

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  • Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

    hi, if you owned Q219BAL could you please contact me, i own the car now and cant start the engine, the owner before me couldn't start the engine and the owner before him couldn't start the car either.
    the engine has clearly been highly modified and it looks like it has never run since a rebore and new cylinder head, it now has 2 X 40 choke webers, looks like a hot cam with adjustable cam pulley as well.
    ideally i would like to know what mods were carried out inside the engine... it might help me work out all sorts of questions i cant answer...
    are you out there ? can you help me? if not it looks like i have a very expensive garden ornament....

  • #2
    Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

    Meantime some suggestions that may help.

    ​Modified or standard an engine to run needs Fuel / air / spark, so I would check through methodically as follows:-

    Is fuel getting to the carbs / float chamber
    Is fuel getting through the jets to the air intake.
    How fresh is the fuel.

    Is the intake system and filter clear.
    Can you feel good compression on all the cylinders.

    Is there 12v getting to the coil when turning ignition to “on”
    Is there an immobiliser or concealed anti- theft switch in the coil supply circuit.
    Is there 12v getting to the coil also when cranking on the starter.
    Is there a spark at the king lead when placed close to the head
    Is it a good strong blue spark.
    Is there a strong spark at all the plugs when connected but laying on the head to earth them.
    Are the plug leads connected to the correct plugs.
    Is the static ignition timing correct (use standard book setting to start with)
    Is the spark going to no1 cylinder when it’s on compression stroke (both valves closed at TDC.
    Is the distributor cap correct for the engine
    Is the rotor arm correct for the engine.
    Is the rotor arm faulty (not earthing through the rivet to the centre shaft)

    Let us know what you find. Peter


    • #3
      Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

      I would second all that is said above. If an engine won't start you need to go back to basics and don't assume anything. I was once contacted to look at a kit car that had stopped running while out driving. The owner had towed it for hours trying various fixes and nothing worked. The first thing I checked was fuel supply, and there was none. Is there fuel in the tank? Yes the guage says half a tank. Aye but have you checked the tank? A gallon of fuel and the car started no problem!


      • #4
        Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

        hi peter, thanks for the comprehensive checklist, i have checked out most of your list but the issues are deeper than your list, it has an adjustable top pulley, with no TDC mark, so i cant check TDC accurately apart from with both no1 valves being shut.
        the engine has never been run since its last rebuild, which was carried out at least 2 owners prior to me, the car backfires sometimes so there is a spark and there is fuel,
        i am beginning to wonder if there is some anti theft thing on there i can find, everything looks like it should work,
        i have spoken to danny nelson on it as well.
        i have few more things to check, but i wont give up, i shall answer on here when i get there, thanks


        • #5
          Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

          If you are unsure about TDC and cam timing, take a look at the Burton Power catalogue which is available online. It has excellent tech tips which explain how to measure such things.


          • #6
            Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

            Originally posted by terryrscott View Post
            hi peter, thanks for the comprehensive checklist, i have checked out most of your list but the issues are deeper than your list, it has an adjustable top pulley, with no TDC mark, so i cant check TDC accurately apart from with both no1 valves being shut.
            the engine has never been run since its last rebuild, which was carried out at least 2 owners prior to me, the car backfires sometimes so there is a spark and there is fuel,
            i am beginning to wonder if there is some anti theft thing on there i can find, everything looks like it should work,
            i have spoken to danny nelson on it as well.
            i have few more things to check, but i wont give up, i shall answer on here when i get there, thanks
            That’s interesting. If it backfires sometimes I would focus on incorrect timing. Assuming you are happy with the plug leads being connected to the correct cylinders my first check would be to see if the distributor has been fitted 180 degrees from its correct position. You don’t say what engine you have but I would also check that the skew gear that drives the distributor hasn’t been fitted incorrectly, with one or more teeth away from the correct position. The workshop manual should cover this in the engine rebuild section. Peter.


            • #7
              Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

              hi scott, thanks for that i did look last week but couldnt find any helpful info, maybe i need to try and look a bit harder


              • #8
                Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

                The adjustable cam pulley I don't believe will have a TDC mark , that will be on the crank pulley. I'm assuming this is a Pinto engine in which case set the ignition timing for that [probably around 10 degrees before TDC] ignore the fact you have a different cam for the moment. If the crank pulley doesn't appear to have a notch for the timing then you should still be able to ascertain where TDC is [Lots of info on line so I'll not go into that] and mark the pulley accordingly. From there you can work out roughly where 10 degrees or whatever before TDC.
                Make sure your not timing the dizzy 180 degrees out and you should stand a chance of getting it to run, you can then time it to suit the cam.
                Bear in mind it may at best be as lumpy as hell depending on cam profile and the twin 40's.
                Good luck!!


                • #9
                  Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

                  Forgot to ask - where are you based?


                  • #10
                    Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

                    hi pete, thanks for the response, its 2ltr pinto., i have now ruled out a fuel issue and aiming at the ignition, i did find the distributor 180 degrees out and one tooth then rechecked the timing and the leads, and the plugs, i even bypassed the fuel pump direct from the ignition in the short term, (in case it was a security device problem) but none of these assists in starting the engine.
                    i have another car with a pinto engine in and thats how i quickly spotted the distributor was 180 deg out and on further checking to sit correctly in the car and many many pinto engine pictures for comparison i am now happy with its location.
                    on turning the engine over by hand checking with a timing light the ignition is spot on 5deg btdc, it just should start!!! latest plan today is to start swopping parts with my other pinto car, lets hope i dont end up with 2 cars that dont start...


                    • #11
                      Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

                      Well that’s significant progress. Check that when no1 cylinder is at firing point that the rotor arm is pointing in line with the HT post in the dizzy cap. Although the caps may “fit” the same distributor, the angular position of the HT posts can vary with different applications. Had the same problem with my Mk2 Cortina years ago. Check that you have the correct rotor arm. Also check if you have the correct coil. Keep chipping away. Peter.


                      • #12
                        Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

                        Hopefully your problems are now sorted
                        If not (loathe as I am to offer advice following esteemed help above!) it came to me whilst sitting in the bath that Webers may be fitted with an anti-dieselling fuel cut-off solenoid that closes when ignition is switched off. If it has failed in the closed position or has no 12v feed..............
                        (The latter was the fault on a friend's Rickman)
                        Trust this helps,


                        • #13
                          Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

                          hi john, no engine still not starting, tried just about everything i can think of.
                          i havent seen any plug or wiring on this car connected to either carburettors but i will have a closer look, thanks.
                          i have asked the MOC archivist to try and help me find the owner of the car that modified the engine, something just doesent add up on the way its put together,,
                          thanks again


                          • #14
                            Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

                            Where are you based?


                            • #15
                              Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

                              west wittering , west sussex

