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Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

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  • #16
    Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

    hi, here is an update on the engine starting progress
    the basic timing of the engine crankshaft at TDC has been checked with the cam belt positioning (this engine has an adjustable to cam belt pulley and there are no timing marks) this was checked with no 1 piston at TDC with both valves closed and free of the camshaft lobes.
    next the distributor positioning was checked against the engine still at TDC and was found to be 180 degrees out with all the pinto pictures advice etc, but the rotor arm was pointed to number one position and the leads were in the correct order and position, so i put the distributor in the correct position, rotor arm pointed to the number one position etc.
    checked fuel pump deliver good pressure of fuel and plugs getting wet.
    turned the engine over on the starter with number one plug out and plugged into the lead , i have a good spark
    my current thinking is that maybe their is some burglar proof deterrent is in the car that i cant see so i have disconnected the engine from the car and set up a separate wiring circuit powered by a separate 12 volt battery for the fuel pump and coil with another separate circuit for the starter, i have yet to complete that... test


    • #17
      Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

      Have you checked compression? You seem to have everything else covered!
      Mk2 SWB Marina Roadster with a 1800 Fiat Twin Cam engine and 5 speed Abarth gearbox built in 1987
      - I have no idea what I am talking about........ but my advice is always free! -


      • #18
        Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

        hi john
        i forgot to mention this engine has not run in this car since it was rebuilt and the compression is really high, (not checked actual figure) but even turning the engine over with plugs out is hard work.
        i understand the engine did run on a dyno testing machine but has never run in the car, so thats why my current plan is to disconnect the engine from the car electrically and set up 2 separate electrical systems to run the engine divorced from the car, hopefully.


        • #19
          Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

          Do you have a timing light? Now you have sorted TDC for absolute certain then you can confirm sparkplug for cylinder number 1 is firing correctly with this method.
          Double check firing order and rotation of distributor is correct. I have lost count the number of times this trips me up.
          Also, I know this sounds daft, check the starter motor is spinning the engine in the correct direction.
          Have you tried disconnecting the alternator while spinning it over?
          Mk2 SWB Marina Roadster with a 1800 Fiat Twin Cam engine and 5 speed Abarth gearbox built in 1987
          - I have no idea what I am talking about........ but my advice is always free! -


          • #20
            Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

            I have checked back over the post but can t see any mention of whether you have a ballast resistor fitted or not? If so then make sure you have a lead from the starter to the + coil terminal to give 12volts when cranking.
            Mk2 SWB Marina Roadster with a 1800 Fiat Twin Cam engine and 5 speed Abarth gearbox built in 1987
            - I have no idea what I am talking about........ but my advice is always free! -


            • #21
              Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

              thanks jon
              not sure if i do have a ballast resistor without ripping the loom apart, my quick fix hopefully is to remove any electrical connection between the engine on the car and start the engine with one battery wired to the starter only and another battery wired to the coil and elect fuel pump, that should at least hopefully start the car, then backtrack form there if its successful..
              i will update the forum ...terry


              • #22
                Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

                All you need to do is check the voltage at the coil. If you have a ballast resistor then it will be showing 9 volts. Most fords had them fitted so there is a high chance you have one unless previous owners have removed it. If you do have one then you need to make sure you have the correct coil and wiring in place.
                Mk2 SWB Marina Roadster with a 1800 Fiat Twin Cam engine and 5 speed Abarth gearbox built in 1987
                - I have no idea what I am talking about........ but my advice is always free! -


                • #23
                  Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

                  yes i have 12-13 volts and somebody has fitted electronic ignition , so its been played with, i also bothered if there is a burglar system i cant find, so divorcing the engine from the car checks that out as well, thanks anyway, hoping to know the outcome by thursday... terry


                  • #24
                    Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

                    Terry ...I've been following your woes and hoping to read that finally all was OK and that you had got the thing started. As you haven't my thoughts go back to something that you mention - "even turning the engine over with the plugs out is hard work" Hmm, surely either your engine is overly tight, or, the starter hasn't got enough grunt - either it is failing, poor connections or that your battery cannot provide enough amps.
                    When I built my tuned 2.1 pinto I was recommended to fit a higher performance starter motor. The reason given was that in standard form the starter motor is right on it's limit. If your pinto ran OK on a dyno perhaps the fitting of ancillaries and gearbox may have increased the starting load above that which the starter can spin over fast enough.


                    • #25
                      Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

                      hi dave
                      thanks very much for your response and taking an interest.
                      yes you could well be right, i have put two batteries on the car to double the grunt but it made no difference, which of course it wouldn't if the starter was on its maximum grunt anyway, i am at the point of throwing money at it but i have a few more tricks to try first , if it still doesn't work then its buy some bits and the starter will be one of them,,...
                      thanks , keep viewing , i will fix it and i will publish what fixes it..


                      • #26
                        Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

                        Have you tried to rotate the distributor a few degrees in either direction while the engine is cranking?


                        • #27
                          Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

                          yes tried turning distributor whilst cranking many times , most frustrating, thanks for the suggestion though...terry


                          • #28
                            Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

                            Issue with electronic ignition? Perhaps try old school points and condensor before throwing money at it?


                            • #29
                              Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

                              Have you tried a can of easy start? If you have spark, timing is correct-ish, compression etc then this is your last hope.
                              Mk2 SWB Marina Roadster with a 1800 Fiat Twin Cam engine and 5 speed Abarth gearbox built in 1987
                              - I have no idea what I am talking about........ but my advice is always free! -


                              • #30
                                Re: Q219BAL Red Berlinetta, did you own it ?

                                If you have sparks and think the timing is right, try towing it. As you say the engine is tight, has it been rebuilt? Try a tow anyway, it is cheaper than throwing money at it. Find an auto electrician if you have wiring problems, it can save days of messing for a few pounds. Good luck, easy start is good

