Hello I am waiting for some 12 mm stainless tube due on 22 / Feb to use as sleave, as the eyes on the shocks are 10 mm and will be using them with some stainless washers, the 10 mm bolts there should then be a good be fit, if not plan B. I will post photos then. When I ordered the tie bars I had messured my tie bars with the length stated on the web site for the same length. When they arrived they were the same length but the fittings were in a different place and the link at the suspention arms are different, I will show, pictures a bit more work but do able. I will show pictures next week once I have the tube cut and in place. Hopefully before I go backpacking in the lakes on the 28th. Cheers Phil.
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Triumph suspension on Marina build for IVA.
Hello I ended up using a mix of washers 2mm and 4mm with a 10mm hole to position the shocks, they seem to be ok, see video, the good thing is if I need to firm them up I have 5 harder settings to try if needed. I have posted a picture of the tie bars old and new the new ones will need a few adjustments to fit.
I have removed too brackets that were fitted the previous owner who had intended to fit a V8 in it he is a very big chap and it was him or gearbox not both. The person who had the kit before him had fitted a OD gearbox from a Dolomite I will check this over and use it if possible. I have had this kit for some years now but a deal I had with a neighbour as he needed to enlarge his entrance so he needed my garage to come down and replace it in a different position. He went bust and the new owners did not honer this and I ended building a lot smaller garage in my garden after 2 years waiting, such is life. I can now get on with my projects. Phil DSCF2803.jpg DSCF2796.jpg DSCF2793.jpg DSCF2799.jpg DSCF2809.jpg DSCF2811.jpg
Originally posted by IDM View PostGood post ,I believe the Marlin SW Meet with the SWCCC is now on Sunday 24th March at Trago Mills.
Don’t forget Marlin SW Meet with the SWCCC on Sunday 24th March at Trago Mills (Newton Abbot) overflow car park. (That’s the one at the very top of the site, NOT the one under the A38!). Starts 10:00am finishes about 3:00pm. Come and go as you please. There are five of us attending so far but please let me know if you are
Peter.Last edited by greyV8pete; 10-03-24, 02:12 PM.
Hello I have been on a couple of short trips over the past weeks so not much done, I am at least the third owner of this kit, as you can see in the pictures the wiring is in a bit of a state, also it is about 40 years old. I will be taking it out checking continuity and replacing connectors where possible, I have also copied the wiring diagram to twice size and colour coded the connections I may have made some mistakes but most of it should be ok. As you have possibly noticed it has an overdrive fitted I will check the solenoid is ok and change the oil and hope it is ok unless someone knows of a reason I should check further.
I will also be lowering the seats and have started making templates for these. I have decided to only hand paint the chassis not the body as I have no facilities to spray paint. I intend to try and rap it, I hope I don,t muck it up. I know there is a lot more to do but two of the tasks I can do mostly in doors in the dry.
Phil, have a look here :
I simplified a Marina wiring diagram and it's ready for use on 2 x A4 sheets, may perhaps help you
Rgds DC.
DC Thanks for sending It to me very help full. HD I have splashed the cash a bit this week for when I redo the wireing, I purchased the cloth tape and a waterproof connector wiring kit. As when our Panda melted a spark plug in France and we eventually had the car back in England I had to sort the head as the local garges were over worked . The panda has those connectors and the contacts were very clean, not bad for 9 years old. I will still need spade connectors for some connections but it should be more reliable. I will show some pictures when I get rid of the bug I have picked up.
cheers Phil
For doing wiring today you should be looking at heat shrink tubing with hot melt glue and this sort of connector - it's a combination of heat shrink, glue and solder.
Work much much better than the old crimp type
Back in the 70's we were told NOT to solder connections - this was 100% correct back then the trouble was that where the wires came out of the solder they would vibrate and could break.
With these modern connectors the soldered joint is all supported by the glue and heat shrink.