i have a 3 leg puller on the crankshaft pulley. it should come off easy, the manual says [if sticky, ease off witha couple of screwdrivers ] the retaining bolt is half screwed in for the puller to bear on, i'm afraid to put on more pressure, might bust something. ???
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montego efi 2 litre engine.
Re: montego efi 2 litre engine.
The pulley is screwed onto the toothed cam pulley with 4 screws iirc...and the toothed pulley is keyed onto the crankshaft. So long as the crank pulley is free to separate from the toothed pulley (i.e. the 4 screws are removed) give it some welly. Don't use heat though as you'll melt the rubber vibration damper. Try some firm taps with a rubber mallet while you have some pressure on...Marlin Roadster, LWB...1860 B Series + Ford Type 9
Renault Espace 54mm front calipers, vented discs, cycle wings and adjustable tie-bars.
Re: montego efi 2 litre engine.
i removed the center retaining bolt, and a large washer that exposed 3 threaded holes in the pulley that you can poke a screwdriver into for @ an inch or so. i've tried the mallet...i don't see the 4 screws !!! thanks for replying..
Re: montego efi 2 litre engine.
Hmmm - my spare Sherpa O2 block (which is supposed to be the same as the Monty) is set up that way...
If you're sure there isn't anything else attaching it then I guess you'll need to wind up the pressure on the puller..!Marlin Roadster, LWB...1860 B Series + Ford Type 9
Renault Espace 54mm front calipers, vented discs, cycle wings and adjustable tie-bars.
Re: montego efi 2 litre engine.
the engine is i believe, a 20 HP elec/ ign. fuel ingection. i read that there is no manual for this [bugger ]. just a few supplementery notes at the back of my montego owners w man.. the car was built by Geff Ganderton. the pulley in the manual is a 3 spoked open affair, mine is solid. there is very little for the 3 screws to bear on [ see bens [ push the pulley off ] just a slightly domed washer.. as someone said [ilove my MARLIN , it keeps me off the road.. ive replaced the water pump, and need to replace the oil pump but that little circular sod is still hangin' on..