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DRL152K Marina based roadster rebuild

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  • Originally posted by martinclan56 View Post
    The last couple of brackets, for while I hope, are to fit the number plate. I never liked the number plate under the bumper and so have gone for a rectangular plate mounted to the rear chassis leg with a bit of support on the body tub. Bit of a phaff to make but I am pleased with the result.
    As a bonus - I have been trying to think of a good way to mount the statutary rear fog light. Again I don't like the below bumper position commonly used. Apart from being rather vunerable I also think it is rather low to be easily seen. Having made the number plate mount it also provided an idea position for the fog light :-)
    plate_1 by Robin Martin, on Flickr
    plate_2 by Robin Martin, on Flickr
    I've mounted the number plate using some of those new fangled (lol) bolts incorporating a little LED. They look good but whether they provide enough light to illuminate the number plate remains to be seen...
    plate_4 by Robin Martin, on Flickr
    Next step is to fit the hood. There is already a bit of a saga with the unused but trial fitted hood that I bought for rather a lot of dosh. Watch this space to see if I manage to resolve matters....​
    You could use the LED bolts that I used to light the number plate 87776cb0b&tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=696452133743&hvpos=&hvnetw = g&hvrand=11416393347205419196&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hv qm t=&hvdev=t&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1006798&h v targid=pla-1042960579872&psc=1&gad_source=1


    Last edited by listerjp2; 09-12-24, 04:09 PM.


    • I have been trying to come up with a way of mounting indicators on the front cycle wings. The problem being the centre ridge, which adds strength and character, is, err, in the centre right where such an indicator would be mounted. After dismissing several idea I decided to bite the bullet and see if I could flatten the ridge at the point the indicator is to be mounted. My main concern is that it would distort the rest of the wing.
      Firstly I drilled a 10mm hole rignt in the center through the ridge.
      front_ind_1 by Robin Martin, on Flickr
      I then tightened a large bolt with several thick washers and a nut through the hole. Of course nothing happened.... The wings are 1.5mm thick steel after all. So I heated up the area arround the hole to red hot using a blowtorch and then tightened the bolt. Hey presto!
      No pictures I'm afraid as I neeeded three hands just to hold the blowtorch and tighten the bolt. But here it is after.
      front_ind_2 by Robin Martin, on Flickr
      And with the indicator fitted. Success!
      front_ind_3 by Robin Martin, on Flickr
      Next post will be hood fitting but is causing me some serious problems so could be a while....​


      • Just a little side project while I ponder a couple of problems that have arisen while fitting the hood.
        I had acquired a new old stock Vauxall Viva radiator which Marlin originally suggested. But the more I looked at it the less I thought it was up to the job. So a lot of Googling later I came up with a Datsun 1200 radiator. Almost the perfect size and the connections in the correct place. It seems that the Datsun 1200 was very popular in Australia which is Ebay suggested it was coming from. I suspect it was made in China though and came to the UK via Czechoslovakia! Anyway, hand in mouth I offered it up and it fits a treat. It is a heavy duty version with three rows and looks much more up to the job. Not much room between it and the steering rack however but there does seem enough room in front to fit a pusher fan.
        radiator1 by Robin Martin, on Flickr
        radiator2 by Robin Martin, on Flickr
        radiator3 by Robin Martin, on Flickr​

