Club Membership

Formed in 1981 The Marlin Owners Club is a friendly club for anyone who has a connection with the Marlin kit cars and their derivatives; whether owners, builders, fans or just interested in building kit cars in general. We hope to make everyone feel welcome and that by doing so you will feel you want to join our club. The benefits of membership include being able to access all areas of the website and download all previous editions of our magazine Pitstop, advertise for free in our classified section and access our huge knowledge base directly.Membership enables you to attend our AGM and cast your vote or stand for election to the committee. Membership is still only £15.00 and this will give you your membership certificate and a copy of our bimonthly magazine delivered straight to your door. By becoming a full member you will be joining one of the most knowledgeable and longstanding kit car clubs in the world!

For further information about the structure of our club,

please click here to read the Club Constitution .




The club operates under a code of conduct which can be found here.

pdficonMOC Code of Conduct


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